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Cicadas East Coast Usa


Emerging Brood of Cicadas to Blanket the Eastern United States in 2024

Brood XIX Set to Emerge After 13-Year Hibernation

Trillions of Insects to Blanket 14 States in the Southeast and Midwest

Prepare for a remarkable entomological event as Brood XIX of periodical cicadas is set to emerge in spring 2024, after spending 13 years underground. This mass emergence will affect 14 states across the Southeast and Midwest, including Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, Tennessee, and Indiana.

Cicadas are known for their distinctive buzzing sound, which can reach incredible volumes when billions of them emerge simultaneously. This year's emergence is particularly notable, as Brood XIX is one of the largest and most widespread broods of periodical cicadas in the United States.

While cicadas are harmless to humans and pets, their sheer numbers can be overwhelming. They may cover trees, swarm around buildings, and even fly into homes. Despite their abundance, cicadas serve an important ecological role by aerating the soil and providing a food source for birds, reptiles, and other animals.

Experts are advising residents in affected areas to expect increased cicada activity beginning in late April or early May 2024. The insects will remain above ground for several weeks, after which they will mate and lay eggs, completing their life cycle. The next emergence of Brood XIX is not expected until 2037.

For those who witness this extraordinary natural phenomenon, it is important to remember that cicadas are fascinating creatures and should be treated with respect. Avoid spraying them with insecticides or attempting to harm them, as this can have negative consequences on the ecosystem.

